Ok folks this is my first time writing a blog, so I hope that you find what I have to say interesting and informative. Although my website is new, as is my facebook page, be assured I have been a Bridal Makeup Artist for a long time, over ten years and I’m pretty confident that I’ve seen it all! There’s not much I don’t know about Wedding Makeup and I love the Wedding industry, I love being part of a Bride’s special day and you get to meet so many people. And of course to see so many different types of weddings. So hopefully you might find some of what I say useful! Also if there is anything you’d like me to blog about, feel free to drop me a line through my facebook page or email me direct!

I’m going to write a quick rundown on what key points you should, as a bride, be looking for when you book your wedding makeup artist. I’ve found that I’ll always have one or two weddings a year that have linked on from another wedding I’ve done, so word of mouth basically. I did a beautiful wedding this year in West Hanningfield and the Bride was the sister in law of my best friend, whose makeup I’d also done four years previously. And as a bride, seeing the work up close and first hand is the best way to find your makeup artist. But if you haven’t been to any weddings recently and are busy trawling the web planning yours, here are my points to look out for!
1. The two biggest hit my website gets are firstly photographic evidence of work and two prices. No surprises there. So when you find a page you like, have a look at the artist’s work to make sure you like what you see.
2. Check out the Testimonial Page for up to date feedback from Brides! Sometimes there will be a link to their facebook page and this is where you might find more feedback.
3. Have they got a facebook page? This will often be where the Artist will update most and it’ll be where you can interact with them.
4. Are they going to be at any local wedding fairs? If they are get your skates on and go and see them there. Nothing better to have a chat in person.
5. Price! Of course you have to choose a price that fits with your budget, but don’t be tempted to go for the most reasonable, or be put off by the most expensive. They’ll have priced themselves according to their qualifications, experience and the area they cover
.6. What products do they use? Are they long lasting, well known, reputable brands that you’ve used or heard of? Do they use speciality products like Airbase or another airbrushing system? Do they offer any other services that you might want like False Lashes or semi permanent make up?
7. Give them a call and have a chat. There is no better way to get a feel of the person than to hear their voice. Try to do this rather than emailing or texting. You don’t want to have zero communication until the Artist arrives for your trial six weeks before your wedding and you have a change of heart and realise they aren’t for you.
Hope that was helpful. I shall be keeping this blog up to date with any recent wedding experiences, product reviews and handy tips on planning your wedding. Happy planning! xx